We all know that now, more than ever, we need a new awareness from each of us. We live in unprecedented times.
Today, even those who supported this type of society we live in have understood that they are not protected and supported, and are looking for alternative ways for their own survival and that of their loved ones.
Instead of trying to return to a world as it was before, why not move on to designing the new earth?
We are living in a reality where the primary good is survival in economic terms, which has led us to the destruction of our mother earth.
But this hasn't stopped us from imagining a world where at the center we find the well-being of all of us, not survival.
This project is the spokesperson for this change. We have decided to create a new model of society that completely deviates from the rules of the past.
In our opinion, there is no problem to solve applicable to this reality, but there is an evolution of the human species from here on..
Evolution doesn't start from the search for mere survival, but starts from the growth of the individual, which is why it's necessary to evolve to create new realities based on different principles.
The new society is based on the foundation that to make a new paradigm stable, it's first necessary to pacify the war within each of us.
In our culture, it's easy to get lost, we need to find our balance again. To do this, it must be found. To find it, it's necessary to reestablish the true nature of the human being.
We live in a system that has crushed what we truly are and keeps us in check with fear, but now there are tools to live in serenity and abundance.
"In a growth journey of many years, I have experienced that it's possible to act towards others in a different way and that there are groups that already do this and live in a condition of peace and serenity.
What moves in these groups is not a duty or a need for etiquette, but the understanding of the mechanisms that regulate this universe."
The basic law of the universe we live in is the law of resonance which provides, in short, that our body and everything around us moves like a wave.
Through our brain waves, we send out, in contact with the outside, thoughts and feelings, which like a tuning fork resonate with the same generated wave.
For example, if I'm feeling anger, in my path I will predominantly encounter people who feel anger and discharge it on me to make me recognize that it's me who is vibrating anger.
Not knowing this law means being victims of what happens outside, and not feeling the responsibility for what happens, because the fault is always someone else's, something else's, or bad luck.
Here we enter a new paradigm, just with this simple act. Recognizing that anger is born from us and the only task of our interlocutors is to mirror us to allow us to transform our situation.
This leads to seeing an ally in our interlocutor, not an enemy.
When people understand the laws that govern the universe, they stop fighting each other and begin to see others as help in growth, and any disagreement turns into a positive transformation.
"This great awareness is not the result of a daydream, but of a life experience. I am surrounded by wonderful people who resonate with all this. I have seen seemingly insurmountable problems and disagreements that in a 'normal' society would have led to murder end with an opening of the heart, a healing of wounds, growth, an embrace."
All this is extraordinary and every human being has the sacred right to live in this frequency of love and brotherhood.
Living in this context will not be simple and will not be for everyone. Working on oneself is not simple, but it's the only real work that deserves to be done because that's where changes are born, first inside and then, by resonance, outside, in the world we want to live in and leave to our children.
What you're looking for outside, start looking for it inside. The world is within us, the one outside is only the result of what we have awakened in us.
Living having the courage to bare oneself, as one is, in front of the world, without feeling the need to act by putting on masks in different circumstances, is the world we are trying to build.
We're not talking about religious orientations, we're not talking about following some strange guru, but we're talking about laws now well documented even by science.
The basis of human coexistence and evolution is based on the courage to admit and follow the true laws that regulate our world, not to reiterate beliefs that have led humans to madness.
This model of life, of a new paradigm has been followed, but in many groups it has failed because they somehow tried to go back, blaming money and progress.
It's not like that, a knife can be used to cut bread or to kill a man.
There's always talk about how destructive and negative man is in our reality. Let's remember that each of us is part of it and has their responsibilities.
We are free to decide in which direction to direct our attention, and where our attention is directed, our destiny is revealed.
So, when if not now do we decide to change these negative beliefs about us humans?
Man is capable of extraordinary things, of technologies that help in daily life and that are in synergy with nature.
This is the missing piece. We cannot castrate the human being, we are creators, inventors, scientists, and this great ship of knowledge must be conveyed towards harmony with the earth.
There are new technologies that allow saving lives, endangered species, going into space, and throwing a full glass from the 4th floor of a building without a drop falling or the glass breaking. (new technologies)
This is why the new society wants to bet on healthy progress and new technologies that lead towards a lifestyle that is integral from all points of view.
In all this, we cannot fail to mention also the economic part which is our pride and joy. Many of the problems of this society have arisen from the fact that "there is no money".
This is why this new society uses various strategies to create abundance solutions for new inhabitants.
No one should live in survival, this does not help human evolution.
"If you have money you can help society, if you don't have it you need to be helped and you are a burden to society"
How many live money as negative and dirty? Let's remember that the concept is always that of the knife, it depends on how you want to use it.
Not only many individuals but also various organizations have been able to support and build fantastic things giving infinite possibilities to live a better world and all this thanks to money! Let's not forget it.
As already said, we are free to decide in which direction to direct our attention.
This is one of the reasons why so many groups have failed, they have rejected money treating it as the evil of the world, but the concept is always that of the knife, it depends on who and how it is used.
Probably one day the concept of money itself will decay, but today it's too early to think of such a context, today we must take the first step in the direction of the well-being of every human being.
We must take the good of what human history has given us and use it to improve our society.
We have left everything in the hands of government and multinationals (probably not in this order) and this has led to not even knowing how to build a table, how to create food. Everything is served on a silver platter by multinationals that pollute, destroy the planet and sell food, clothes and various trinkets of dubious quality perhaps built by children from the third world.
This is why the new society intends to restore the knowledge that risks being lost and reconnect with "do it yourself", also relocating elderly people in the area who can teach young people the ancient crafts, creating a niche market through the dissemination of both products and knowledge through courses also externally.
Old and new dance together creating a system that intersects helping the microeconomy, people and the planet.
These are the foundations:
Imagine seeing a society in harmony, abundance, and beauty, where people are serene and produce based on what the earth can give, and where the earth can't provide, science and technology step in. The elderly are the wise ones, and those who arrive fall in love with this lifestyle, viralizing the well-being they've experienced in other areas of the planet.
This is why the project is integrated with a Blockchain and is open source; everyone should be able to access and duplicate what we are doing, perhaps even improve it.
We are absolutely aware that we are facing a great challenge! But we are certain that we are working for the future of humanity, no matter the cost.
To do this, we need people who feel this desire to start and get involved not only as a person but also as a "future worker" and to be there with body and soul.
The new society will be visually divided into two sectors: One side for technology and new discoveries, the other similar to a medieval period.
This division gives a sense of contrast between the old and the new, but also the reality that one would not exist without the other.
The intent of this division is to attract visitors and become a place of particular interest from the outside and stimulate curiosity.
This new society will have its own currency, a Cryptocurrency that will be exchanged inside and outside the community.
The new society has completely organic houses as its typology and will be distributed in this way:
Common house with small apartments and rooms (especially for single people, retired) Rooms to rent for WOOF, volunteers B&B etc.
Establishment for Elementary/Middle/High School and catering (lunch and dinner) also for inhabitants and visitors.
Various workshops scattered throughout the territory where people work with old and new trades
Agri-camping with housing solutions (without kitchen) where to welcome visitors who want to stay to experience life. Yurts, Tepees, bungalows, gypsy wagons, straw houses. (Place also for own solutions, campers.)
Building focused on administration and the technological sustainability part (crypto trading)
"Emotional" building where various levels of emotions are experienced and worked on.
Cultivation of fields according to the permaculture method and own production of what the land allows (vegetables, medicinal herbs, orchards etc.)
Animals: animals are kept with respect and in the most natural way possible where they can roam freely.
Houses both owned and rented where people live and create the community of residents: Yurts, Bungalows, Gypsy Wagons, Wooden houses, straw and clay.
Playground and small animal area. For children, there's the possibility to celebrate their birthday.
Food and craft shop (also online)
Our ultimate goal is to achieve a lifestyle where every activity, good, building, means of transport are in total harmony with nature, therefore non-polluting at every level. This is a challenge, the challenge of creating new technologies that support our earth.
Life inside for residents
Every person interested in living in this new society has the possibility to do a 1-month trial, accompanied by a facilitator. After this period, we all evaluate together if there is resonance between the members of the society and the new person. There is no judgment in this, only the choice to create a society based on a certain level of resonance.
Everyone is welcome, there are no economic rules, but the new society is like an anthill, it is necessary that everyone does their part since all the income derived from the society is redistributed among all the inhabitants in equal measure.
In light of this, we declare that in the new society every job performed has as its basis the love and passion for it. No one is obliged to do jobs they don't love. Every connection between activity and individual will be established through soul work with the person themselves that will lead to the result of bringing out their talents and potential.
Every 7 years our body completely regenerates, this means that each person transforms many times throughout their existence. It is therefore right that they have the possibility to follow the transformation in every area of their life, including work.
This aspect has also created failure in our society. How can you ask a young person what they want to do in life and then make them study to spend their whole life doing the same activity? This is involution.
In the new society, we will work on ourselves to evaluate step by step what the person at that moment has to offer in terms of work, and when they no longer resonate with that job, they can go back to studying and transform again, following their soul mission.
The basis of the old society is failing from the moment that the purpose is not one's own mission and therefore centering with oneself, but is survival. In a society where the purpose is the evolution of the species and the creation of a new world, this is not necessary since no one lives in survival but in abundance and beauty.
The decision-making basis within the society is similar to sociocracy.
There will be main sector managers and people who simply work there who alternate in the role of managers. Decisions are made from sector to sector based on skills.
The founders will always have the final decision on the fronts of economic and administrative expansion.
As far as possible, we will try to nourish ourselves with what our land has to offer, and where we cannot, we will go to help what is the organic market by having contact and exchange with the realities of the territory.
Food is life, even on a spiritual level, so nutrition plays a fundamental role in this passage; when we eat, we go to "ingest" not only food in matter, but also the energy it contains.
A great bet is that of non-renunciation; in this new paradigm, there is no deprivation but abundance. So no one is asked to give up a flavor, but it is required to use our inventiveness to create in a healthy way flavors to which we are accustomed, even if they were those of Kinder. Everything we create is marketable outside.
Animal area
We absolutely care about keeping all animals in the most natural way possible and without exploiting them. The whole project is experienced with the culture of permaculture, where animals also have an important role.
Chickens: for eggs and fertilizer Ducks: snail cleaning and fertilizer Alpacas: Wool, tracking and fertilizer Pigs: for kitchen waste Donkeys and horses: for material transport, tracking, fertilizer Hawks: not only to bring people closer to this world but above all to sensitize them and make them aware of how much the animal world needs to be recognized and respected. Peacocks, guinea pigs, rabbits, dogs, cats etc. for our little guests. Of course, we will work nature in such a way as to become interesting also for certain wild animals. (Birds, butterflies, insects, bees, etc.)
The goal is to reach the point where every inhabitant of the new society will receive a monthly income to live on of at least €2000 per head, which will not be used to pay for food or bills. All expenses are borne by management. Inhabitants can create an extra outside the society as and when they want, in respect and honor of its philosophy of life, they can change their activity following what resonates with them following a predetermined calendar.
Conscious freedom is at the basis of this new paradigm. It is important to know that those who do not feel aligned can not live within this system or be expelled by the founders when they hinder the new society.
Every entry goes to expense as mentioned above. What is left over will be invested in new projects, or, if decided in a circle, redistributed to people inside.
Income management: 100% divided into 50% living expenses 30% people 20% investments The idea is that residents will be remunerated in the framework of volunteers. Obviously following the legal frameworks for all figures that do not fall into this category. For all other activities of individuals, everyone has the responsibility.
The first approach to sustainability is fundraising thanks to the distribution of our cryptocurrency to financiers and/or crowdfunding.
Everything that is produced on the territory from land and animals is used as a resource within the territory and sold both outside and to visitors.
Everything that is produced by ancient and modern crafts are niche and quality products, they must remain so. We prefer to raise the price rather than increase productivity
In the new society, you can enter as visitors by paying the price of the visit.
You can enter as volunteers working as land woofers or technowoofers
Technowoofers have the task of working in new technologies also bringing new ideas or trading crypto. Each woofer has a percentage recognition on earnings in any case.
Old and new trades are provided as courses also for the outside and this also applies to quantum inheritance.
Innovative startups can come (after circle) to test new technologies in the new society and test their invention. Our task will be to organize online and offline events to make the project known, a sort of springboard subject to agreement with them that their technology can be used in the new society and the release of company shares to be agreed upon
The events part also allows ceremonies bookable from the outside in agreement with the ceremonialists. On this I want to say that nothing is done to cash in money, we give sacredness back to us and our earth so the ceremonialist will decide if the people are in line to do the particular ceremony. If they are not, the ceremony will not be done.
Study trips are organized in various places on earth where you can learn from great masters how to amplify our potential.
Those who finance can have the possibility to stay for periods in the community as a guest
Photoshoot project: You will have the possibility to have a photo shoot done with our animals and environment
Furniture restoration and sale project: In different areas there will be different furniture and objects restored by us, for sale.
We will have our own currency that can serve as an exchange currency but also as a speculative asset.
A fundraising will be done through the release of our currency which will be used to start the project.
School for young people is a new life experience, all school subjects, old trades and new ones will be taught through field practice, cultural exchanges. After a period of studying various subjects, young people will be able to dedicate themselves only to the subject they feel is theirs and if they feel ready. This work is flanked by the work described above that allows understanding what is the soul mission of an individual.
The next step after school is open as a course also towards the outside is the leap of evolution is the awareness of one's potential and how this can be developed and trained.
This too has been hidden from us in the form of Heresy, which actually means free thought... But which today is amply demonstrated, even scientifically.
Human potential is not limited to the 5 senses. For this reason, in the new society there will be space for a school that through the union of new and ancient knowledge will allow developing:
· Telepathy · Telekinesis · Healing · Astral travels · Alchemy · Clairvoyance
If we really want to move forward, we must see what our true capabilities are, stop being afraid of the unknown, that's where we were checkmated by forces that have all the interest in not letting us see that in reality, we are capable of much more.
The new society will break the deep bond with the duality inherent in our people by uniting the old and the new, ancient trades with new technologies. The basis of all this is respect and harmony for the planet we live in and respect for ourselves.
A society not devoid of rules, but with fair rules for the human being where growth is the priority.
What we do is reconnect with our true essence by removing layer after layer what current society and cultural heritage has put in front of us as inescapable realities and building a world based on truth and growth.
Here we have the possibility to regain:
· Truth · Health · Abundance · Beauty · Consciousness · Freedom · Responsibility · Serenity · Family · Old age and wisdom
These values, however, can flourish again in a society that is born with different assumptions and organizations.
The purpose of the new society is to make visitors fall in love with this lifestyle and want to replicate it by creating detachments in other parts of the world, viralizing the well-being generated by this lifestyle in order to bring the world towards a new paradigm.
This is obviously a draft of the project, it's the beginning, the seed. Our purpose is to water this seed, see it grow and be ready for every single possibility that is given to us to build this "New World" leaving the imprint for the future.
There will be modifications to be made, things to change, challenges to face... but we are in the absolute faith that all this is possible, each of us deserves it and united we have the possibility to create something extraordinary.
The seed for a new world, different, on a human scale, not a slave, where love and humanity prevail, is not an easy challenge, we are aware of what we are facing... but we have to start somewhere....
The asphalt moves to let a frail flower grow... we are that flower, life is on our side. This is what we want to be, and if you are reading this giant project probably you too resonate at this frequency, we don't know what will happen, but we are absolutely certain that the time to act is now.
And.... If not now when? And if not us, who?
We're waiting for you!
Silvia Nello